Welcome, culinary enthusiasts! If you're a fan of MasterChef, you know that precision, efficiency, and versatility are key to creating mouth-watering dishes. As more home cooks strive to bring professional-grade cooking into their kitchens, induction cooking has become increasingly popular due to its speed, efficiency and eco-friendly energy use. This guide will explore why induction cooking has emerged as a game-changer in recent years, the benefits it offers, the science behind it, and what to look for when choosing induction-friendly cookware.

Why Choose Induction Cooking?

Induction cooking is becoming a favourite among both professional chefs and home cooks for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: Induction cooktops heat pans directly, reducing cooking times significantly. This is because they convert up to 90% of the energy they use into heat, compared to 70-75% for gas and 60-65% for electric stoves.
  • Precision: Induction allows for precise temperature control, essential for delicate temperature-sensitive tasks such as melting chocolate or simmering sauces with dairy or acidic elements like a beurre monté.
  • Safety: Induction cooktops remain cool to the touch, reducing the risk of burns which can be great for young ones developing an interest in cooking. Additionally, they automatically shut off when a pan is removed.
  • Cleanliness: Spills don't burn onto a cool cooktop, making it much easier to clean if you don’t have a splatter guard in your artillery.
  • Eco-Friendly: Higher energy efficiency means lower energy consumption, reduced running costs and reduced carbon footprint - tick, tick, tick!

The Science Behind Induction Cooking

Induction cooking works when the pan is placed on the cooktop, an alternating electric current passes through a coil beneath the cooktop, creating a magnetic field, which induces electric currents (eddy currents) in the pan, generating heat directly in the metal. If that has gone over your head, perhaps the following breakdown will help to clarify things a little:

  • Direct Heating: Heat is generated directly in the cookware, not through a flame or electric element.
  • Instant Heat Adjustment: Changes in heat settings are instantaneous, unlike gas or electric stoves which take time to heat up or cool down.

What Makes a Pan Induction-Friendly?

To be induction-compatible, a pan must have a magnetic base. Here's what you need to look for:

  • Material: Induction-friendly pans are typically made from or contain magnetic materials like cast iron or certain types of stainless steel. Aluminum, copper, and glass alone won’t work unless they have a magnetic layer added to the base.
  • Flat Bottom: A flat bottom ensures full contact with the cooktop, maximizing efficiency and ensuring the magnetic currents run effectively.

Versatility of Induction Cookware


  • Gas and Electric Stoves: Most induction-compatible pans can be used on gas and electric stoves as well. This makes them versatile and practical if you use multiple cooking methods.
  • Oven Use: Many induction pans are also oven-safe. However, check the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding maximum oven temperatures and the suitability of handles and lids.


  • Durability: Induction cookware tends to be durable, made from quality materials designed to withstand high temperatures and regular use.
  • Non-Stick Coatings: Some induction pans such as those in our collection (hyperlink) feature non-stick coatings (hyperlink non-stick article), which can be a boon for low-fat cooking and easy cleanup. Ensure these coatings are also oven-safe if you plan to use the pan in the oven.*

Interesting Facts and Tips

  • Speed Comparison: Induction can boil water up to 50% faster than gas or electric cooktops.
  • Energy Savings: Induction cooktops use 10-20% less energy than traditional electric or gas stoves.
  • Noise: Some induction cooktops and pans may produce a slight humming or buzzing noise due to the magnetic field. This is normal and varies by cookware and power settings.
  • Special Features: Some induction cooktops come with features like bridge elements for griddles or multiple small pans, as well as precise temperature control for sous-vide cooking.
  • Magnetic: To check if a pan is induction-friendly, use a magnet. If it sticks firmly to the bottom, the pan is suitable for induction cooking. (However, all cookware you purchase should advertise the induction suitability clearly on the packaging).

Investing in induction cookware can elevate your culinary experience, offering speed, efficiency, and precision that traditional cooking methods can't match. When shopping for induction pans, look for high-quality, magnetic materials, versatility, and features that match your cooking style.

Note that all of the MasterChef cookware is constructed with induction-friendly aluminium to unite the benefits of energy efficiency found in cast iron cookware with the ease-of-use and non-stick properties of aluminium cookware.

Happy cooking, and may your culinary adventures be ever delicious and ambitious!